The PURDUE ONLINE PHARMACY TECHNICIAN TRAINING PROGRAM (POPTTP) educates and trains learners who want to work in pharmacy settings as technicians. Students will gain specific knowledge, skills, and competencies needed to work as a valuable pharmacy team member and provide safe patient care in Indiana. Successful completion of the course prepares students to take the national Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam to become a certified pharmacy technician. This course will show your students’ future employers the initiative and
passion they have for working in the pharmacy industry.
- Explain the role of a licensed pharmacy technician in Indiana.
- Learn about the top 200 drugs and 15 common dietary supplements.
- Distinguish federal requirements for prescription processing, handling and disposal of medications.
- Demonstrate patient safety procedures and quality assurance strategies.
- Evaluate situations and issues that require pharmacist intervention.
- Demonstrate procedures to compound nonsterile products.
- Describe procedures for credit return, return to stock, and reverse distribution.
- Homework assignments to familiarize the learner with basic pharmacy technician responsibilities.
- Live webinar sessions with existing pharmacy managers and PharmD students who have worked as a pharmacy technician.
- Interactive quizzes to develop familiarity with and competence in recalling medication information.
- Assessments to prepare learners for the Pharmacy TechnicianCertificate Exam.
Textbook Required: Manual for Pharmacy Technicians 5th Edition (You may purchase whereever you like)